Product description
For the control of Helicoverpa spp. in cotton, tomatoes, lucerne seed crops, navy beans; certain species of mites in bananas, cotton and tomatoes; longtailed mealy bug in pears; banana weevil borer and banana rust thrips in bananas; mirids in cotton; whitefly in tomatoes; and redlegged earth mite, blue oat mite, byrobia mite, webworm and brown pasture looper in faba beans, subterranean clover, clover, canola, wheat, barley, field peas, lupins and lucerne and certain species of wireworms in cotton and sugarcane; fig longicorn in grapes and citrus leafeating weevil in citrus as specified in the Directions for Use table.
Product and Safety Information
- F.S.A. Bifenthrin 100 EC Miticide Insecticide Label

- 324Kb
- F.S.A. Bifenthrin 100 EC Miticide Insecticide SDS

- 45Kb
Active Ingredients |
Formulation Type |
EC – Emulsifiable Concentrate
Key Issues Controlled |
- Blue Oat Mite
- Corn Earworm
- Native Budworm
- Carpophilus Beetle